"Old MacDonald Had a Farm" is a classic children's song that delightfully introduces young listeners to the various animals typically found on a farm. The song features a repetitive and catchy...
Category: Ukulele Chords & Tabs
"Oh My Darling, Clementine" is a traditional American folk song that dates back to the 19th century. Its origins are attributed to Percy Montrose, who supposedly wrote it in 1884, although some...
"Let It Go," from Disney's animated film "Frozen," is a powerful anthem sung by the character Elsa, voiced by Idina Menzel. Written by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, the song captures...
"Stand by Me," a soulful ballad by Ben E. King, was released in 1961 and has since become an enduring classic. Written by King, Jerry Leiber, and Mike Stoller, the song features heartfelt lyrics...
"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" is a popular English lullaby. The lyrics are from an early 19th-century English poem called "The Star" by Jane Taylor. The melody is based on a French tune...
"A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes" is a popular song written and composed by Mack David, Al Hoffman, and Jerry Livingston. It was originally written for the Walt Disney film "Cinderella," which was...